It didn't last for very long when it fell, but we did dance around a little bit like crazy kids in pajamas to make the most of it (possibly scaring all of the old people who live in our complex). Wes and Stacey came over for the easter weekend and seemed a bit partial to crazy snow dances themselves. Maybe it was all the chocolate we had been eating...

I was so pleased to be finally seeing snow after so many close calls that I even dialed up Mum and Dad on ichat so they could experience the 'moment' too.
It was truly fun sharing the snow from the other side of the world, and your photos are terrific, but why has the video been pulled?
Jules, how's that tshirt-in-the-snow thing working out for you?
Glad the vid's there now, we're going to bed to warm up!
Your mother clearly wasn't cold that day Jules or she would have told you to put something warmer on!
Nice snow gear Shelley!
I'm not sure which feature of my outfit is the best... the fashion aspect, or the waterproof nature of the dressing gown.
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