I was watching Harrison Ford beat up some IRA men in Patriot Games the other week (I had loads of invitations to go out, but I decided to watch TV instead), when I realised all those punches were landing a little too close to home.
It dawned on me. That baroque architecture is familiar...that's the Old Naval College...Harrison Ford is walking down the steps in the Old Naval College...that's five minutes walk from our place...Han Solo is cracking heads on the pavement five minutes walk from here! I sat up from my slouch. I felt alive with validity for a second or two, then I realised that I was still watching TV (even though I had loads of invitations to go out).

Yes, it turns out lots of movies are shot in the Old Naval College. Apart from that one, apparently Eastern Promises and The Golden Compass did shooting there as well. They are preparing to shoot another one there at the moment, although so far all they've done is erect a large fake stone wall. Only in the movies (shake of the head).

As a postscript, my research has revealed that it is in fact Han Solo, not Hans as I previously thought. I always wondered why he had to have German heritage.
But Jules, unless you send those invitations out, you'll be doomed to watch tv alone for ever.
Loads to go out you said, if just one person accepts, ask them if they want to see Patriot Games II
HANS Solo? Oh dear, Jules.
I'm guessing you didn't know how to spell Wookiee, either.
(Although if you did, you might have even fewer than "loads" of invitations to go out...)
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