Shelley cut my hair today. After a lot of talking it up, we finally decided to bite the bullet and do it. (I'm no fool; I'm not going to pay 30 to 40 GBP for a salon-style cut, particularly when I'm a boy.) Although Shelley had never cut anyone's hair before, her confidence was verging on that of Mr-T's, which I found unsettling. You just know they're over-compensating.

As you can see it was pretty long. And considering I was due back at school the next day, this money-saver could have been construed as a bit risky. Kids can be so cruel, particularly in the east of London.

But I think it worked out fine!
Two thumbs up, Jules! Shelley's confidence was not misplaced (although I would've found it unsettling too).
If she'd screwed up, she would've had to write a note to the teacher. Oh wait...
Very impressive! What a pity I went and paid 28 quid for a haircut yesterday when I could have just come and seen Shelley...
I'm not sure, but I think you've still got some marks from the pyramid!
Well done Shell, a job for life I suspect, although I am a little miffed you wouldn't let me do it Jules, after all, I have experience!
A degree in Science, Film and Television, Teaching and now Hairdressing !!!!! Could a mother be more proud!
well done shelley! i particularly like that julian's smiles reflect the tension in the before & after shots. informercialtastic!!!!
From Ringo to Paul in just a few free strokes of the scissors. I like free too.
I like it before dude
I also liked it better before
The second photo appears to be lighter, has it been digitally enhanced?
Ouch! Who are you anonymous comment makers?!? I feel like a blind-folded piƱata when you make comments like that. Anyway, I think my hair-cut is divine; feels like a weight has been lifted. Can I hear an Amen? Well can I?
Also I'm pretty sure the random / anonymous commenter/s were boys, who as we know don't have the first clue about what makes a decent haircut.
So breathe easy.
It may not be perfect, but I am quite chuffed with myself.
I'm impressed. It looks good. Matts due for a haircut, maybe I'll give it a go....
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