I was walking through Greenwich park the other day when I came across a sign giving directions to 'Roman Remains'. I got a bit excited about this; I like Greenwich park enough already, even without it being a centre for antiquity. So I walked, and I walked (the park is 186 acres, so a poorly directed sign can really send you walking) but no luck. I went home and looked it up on the internet. What I read intrigued me even more; various articles mentioned the "remains of a Celtic-Romano temple in Greenwich park". Wacko, I thought. So the next day I set out again to find it, and this time I did. Here it is:

Now don't let the scale fool you - this thing is actually about the size of my hand. It's a floor tile. Having been to Rome (a-hah, yes), I can honestly say the Colosseum is more thought-provoking.
2000 years old - in the middle of a public park.
I understand the Greeks and Italians get pretty blase about digging up antiquities every time they excavate for house foundations.
Bits of tile, statuary, coins - ho hum ho hum.
In oz no-one can hear you scream.
I suppose it's good to call it Roman Remains so that no civic-minded person removes it, thinking it's a concrete accident...
Perhaps they should rename it "Roman Tile", so as not to get people's hopes up. Because I, too, would have expected much more.
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