Last weekend, Julian and I caught a train up to Bradford-on-Avon to spend the weekend with Anne and Fred. Knowing Anne, we suspected that it would be a weekend of walking around this historic village, seeing lots of sights and enjoying the countryside. The fact that Bradford-on-Avon was flooded hardly seemed to phase the epic walker; I can distinctly remember the moment that our ‘stroll’ became an ‘adventure’. I even took a picture of it.

To Anne’s credit, she did get us back to our B&B safe and sound, and we did get to see some lovely places. Our idea of what makes a good walk may never be the same again.

I have a need to know:
Who was wearing the clown pants in the "boot" shot, and why did they change out of them for the group pic?
I thought maybe they were taking the last picture, but then, having a big red nose would make that difficult. (DAMHIK)
What a difference a month or three makes to a town!
Okay, so there were 2 days of adventurous walking. And the clown wishes to remain anonymous.
Although I've climbed a mountain with Annie, I've yet to be caught up in a truly epic Anne-Plan. I do hope one day to make it.
I also hope that I'll have some advance warning so I can pack emergency provisions, extra clothes and the phone number of a good lawyer.
I also wanted to know who it was in those pants...
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