Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Artist

Julian Lewis, 12B, Art. 

Found this while cleaning out a cupboard at Mum and Dad's place. 

Seems I had quite a grasp on the female form, not so much on human faces. A disturbing insight into the psyche of a former self, or the greatest picture ever?


Sweet Olive Press | Helen said...


What the hell is she doing? Really. What??

Jules said...

Being a foxy lady. The question is: What is HE doing?

Shell said...

I always thought she had stolen the old woman's handbag and was creeping away cat burglar style. Then I realised that the old woman still has her handbag, so I'm confused...

Anonymous said...

I thought "he" was the artist inserted...

The variety of textures is intriguing. LOVE the accuracy of dating the picture by "the fox's" shoes.

Plenty of fodder for disturbing!

Sweet Olive Press | Helen said...

So to be a foxy lady, one doesn't need a nose or a mouth?

I must make a note....