All those years searching, and it has finally paid off! Not only did we find Wally in Google Street View, we stood next to him in the photo.
Yes, about six months ago, Shelley and I were walking down Putney High Street when we spotted a man who looked strangely familiar: thick-rimmed glasses; a red and white striped sweater and beanie; he leaned on a walking stick as he waved. When we saw he was waving at the Google Maps car, we got in the shot as quick as we could, then looked as cool as we could.
Now, in the first frame you can see us walking nonchalantly down the street, chillin' out, maxin', relaxin'.

And in the next frame you can see us standing not-so-nonchalantly behind Wally, looking in a store window that nobone in the world could possibly be interested in.

OOOOOOOOHH YES! Sister Helen has just informed us that our picture is in The Telegraph too. It just gets better for Julian and Shelley!
Sorry Juz. M says "Where's Wally? Who's Wally? I've never heard of him. Should I have?"
He doesn't know who The Fonz is either.
Better and better, since I found you guys in about six other online news sites including The Guardian and The Mirror. You didn't realise faking interest in the British Heart Foundation window could pay off so nicely, did you.....
And Marc! Marc is just upping the ante for Wally. He's all, "What do you mean, 'Where's Wally'? WHO'S Wally? Now THERE'S a question for you."
Pure Awesomeness
very exciting!!
AWESOME, does John know? I am so jealous.
Dan Kennedy
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